Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hamas Vs puppet government

Friday, 23/01/2009 - Hamas says one campange been a puppet government by the Dayton systematically worsen Hamas and other groups Pejuang Following Hamas victory and the other combatant Zionis-up to Israel. The only Zionis-Israel halt their operations, media continue to be used to discredit burukan Hamas. Some leaders in the kingdom dolls Dayton lavish open slander (Dayton puppet kingdom refers to the kingdom established by the United States Jeneral Keith Dayton. Antara Salam Fayad their leaders, Mahmud al Habbash and Yasr Abu Rabi).

Among their accusations against Hamas leaders Hamas is corrupt, and stealing property merompak people Palestin. Destination been in propaganda is because in a lot of assistance at this time kewangan who came to help build the Hamas and Gaza. This is because all the people of the world know that the kingdom is a kingdom of Hamas who are elected by people's democratic Palestin. They are also popular with the trust, and komited serious help people Palestin.

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